Small business bulletin for Greater London

Local News 26 Jun 2024

Local small business news from Sarah King, your FSB Development Manager. Updates cover the City of London and its 32 surrounding boroughs.

In summary

Welcome to all those who have joined FSB in the last month or renewed your membership. Thank you! To help showcase your small business, we have three social media promotions you can benefit from. These are Member Mondays, Business Book of the Month and more recently launched - Tuesday’s Top Tips. Do take the opportunity to take part or if you wish to discuss any business issues - then please don’t hesitate to email [email protected].

Featured news and events 

The Cyber Resilience Centre for London

The Cyber Resilience Centre for London is part of a network of nine Regional Centres across the country whose role is to support small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and third sector organisations reduce their vulnerability to cybercrime. The CRC for London is a not-for-profit organisation working in partnership with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, The City of London Police and the Metropolitan Police.

The CRC offers a range of services to London’s small business community to help demystify the cyber security landscape and provide access to national intelligence data, free guidance and affordable help to protect your business online.

Small businesses are three times more likely to be targeted by cybercrime than large companies. Here are some great tips for small businesses.

Find out more about London CRC and discover services available; events both in person and online to keep you informed and up to date with the latest in cyber security and resilience; resources and how to report cybercrime.

City of London Corporation launches its first SME Strategy

On 12 June, the City of London unveiled its first SME Strategy strengthening its position as premier destination for business growth and at the same time signed FSB’s Local Leadership Pledge which gives a clear statement of intent to support small businesses within the local economy.

The City is home to over 21,000 SMEs, the highest concentration anywhere in the UK.

The strategy has been developed to bolster the support ecosystem for SMEs within the Square Mile. It also seeks to streamline a fragmented business support landscape to provide excellent services.

Read the launch event press release.

The SME Strategy Report can be found online here.

And, FSB London Regional Chair – Michael Lassman, along with FSB colleagues – Matt Jaffa and Craig Beaumont, are pictured here in City Matters coverage.

Outer South-East London: Bromley In-Person Networking

Join us on Thursday 16 July, 11.30am – 2pm for networking over lunch and hear from FSB member guest speaker - Lily Naadu Mensah - who helps brands to sparkle. Also, an opportunity to hear from your local FSB Lead – Chandra Sharma and the local authority in the wonderful surroundings of Clockwise Bromley.

Book your delegate place now >


In other news 

Supplier Readiness Programme to support SMEs become suppliers

Westminster City Council (WCC) has created a FREE Supplier Readiness Programme to support SMEs become suppliers – supported by the Mayor of London. The objective of the programme is to diversify Westminster council's supplier network.

- Westminster-based small, micro, and medium sized businesses
- London-based diverse-led (e.g. global majority led, women led, disabled led businesses)
- London-based mission-led organisations (e.g. social enterprises, community interest companies, voluntary organisations)

To ensure that businesses receive the best possible support, WCC has developed a suite of support. Offering training in bid writing, business planning, meet the buyer’s events, 1-1 business support.

Find out more here about upcoming events taking place in July and beyond here.

To register for events or to find out more, please email [email protected]


Greening Your Business: Boost Profits & Sustainability

A great opportunity for Havering borough FSB members.

If you want to know more about how embedding green principles can help you achieve your business goals and what actions you can take now for immediate and long-term success, Havering Council has announced it has partnered with Wonder Consulting to offer CEME tenants FREE mentoring sessions to help you. Limited spots available!

• Boost profit margins 
• Break into new markets and secure new customers 
• Enhance your brand image 
• Future-proof your business 
• Bolster existing social value strategies 

Here's what you'll gain:
• Four one-hour personalised mentoring sessions 
• Learn practical strategies for waste reduction, energy efficiency, and carbon emissions reduction
• Discover how to implement sustainable procurement practices 
• Develop a plan to monitor progress and communicate your sustainability achievements

Embracing sustainability is essential for small business success. Procurement policies in the UK and globally are increasingly prioritising sustainability. Businesses that demonstrate strong environmental and social practices will have a significant edge when bidding for contracts. By adopting sustainable practices, small businesses can win new business, gain a competitive advantage, and attract eco-conscious customers and investors.

Don't miss this opportunity to help achieve sustainable growth for Havering. Register here.

Still in the news 

FSB London - Tuesday’s Top Tips

We all enjoy sharing top tips and here’s a great opportunity for FSB London members to take part in our social media campaign that is all about sharing knowledge and top tips that will help and interest other small business owners.

Your top tips maybe those that you embrace in your business to help you run your business, get organised, engage with customers, look after your wellbeing, network with others, promote your small business.

Your sharing of up to three top tips (it can be less) is also an opportunity to have your business promoted by FSB.

Read more here.

FSB Greater London Business Manifesto – Fit for the Future

The focus for the FSB Greater London team for the next four years will be shaped by our ‘Fit for the Future’ Manifesto which was collated in response to the many small businesses surveyed and polled across the London region in the lead up to the London Mayoral elections.

If you are new to FSB or missed reading the Manifesto previously, please read all about it here.


More news and activity near you 

Get in touch

Sarah King

Your FSB Development Manager for Greater London is Sarah King.  If you'd like more information about the topics above, or if you have news about this area that you'd like to share, please get in touch.