Small business bulletin for North Yorkshire

Local News 26 Jun 2024

Local small business news from Carolyn Frank, your FSB Development Manager. Updates cover Skipton, Harrogate, York, Scarborough, Selby, Richmond, Thirsk, Malton, Whitby, Northallerton, North York Moors, Yorkshire Dales.

In summary

Sometimes as a business owner you get too much information about business news, support and events, and it is difficult to navigate what's most helpful to your business.  I’m always happy to meet either virtually or in person for an informal chat, with you, or any small business locally who you think needs our help – spread the small business love - contact me using the details below or direct message via our social channels. Carolyn

Read on to find out more.

Featured news and events

A new era for female entrepreneurship

A new report from the University of York and FSB York & North Yorkshire has shown that if women entrepreneurs were better supported to start businesses in the North Yorkshire region they could generate nearly 165,000 jobs and provide a £2.6bn boost to the local economy.  Inspired by the Alison Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship, the study prioritised the firsthand experiences of women entrepreneurs in York and North Yorkshire. The report highlights their unique challenges and proposes inclusive policy changes to foster an environment where women’s entrepreneurial endeavours can thrive. Researchers showed that 79% of women entrepreneurs in the region have ambitions to grow, while 31% do not have access to, or know where to look, for finance. One in five women surveyed did not feel they were taken seriously as an entrepreneur, and 63% of girls have never considered starting their own business.   The study was carried out as part of a collaboration between Enterprise Works at the University of York, the Federation of Small Businesses, (FSB) and the Yorkshire & Humber Policy Engagement and Research Network (Y-PERN), and launched on June 12th.  Further policy engagement will follow, and we thank all the women in enterprise who took part.

Read the full report here> 

FSB Quarterly Small Business Index

The latest FSB Quarterly Small Business Index (SBI) published  shows small business confidence in Yorkshire, the Humber & North East at its highest level since Spring 2018. It also shows small business owners are more upbeat about their growth prospects and creating new jobs than previous quarters.

We produce an SBI survey every three months. In it we track how confident business owners are for the next three months. We subtract those not confident from the number who are, to produce an overall confidence figure. The latest figure is +31, the highest it has been for six years, signalling that after many tough years for business we might be seeing some reasons to be cheerful, but it is crucial that this small business confidence and growth is nurtured. We want to see more support for businesses, especially in those sectors which have been hardest-hit in recent years such as hospitality. We also need to create the best possible environment for start-ups and entrepreneurs. Join in with our surveys by signing up to Big Voice – the results of the SBI and other short surveys on specific policy topics contribute to our policy work and can make a change for your business.

Find out more about FSB Big Voice here> 

SUPERNetworking is back back back!

SUPERNetworking makes a welcome return to York this autumn. After a short break this fabulous event will once again be one of the ‘must attend’ events in the York & North Yorkshire business calendar. Why not join us at the Novotel on 1 Oct for plenty of networking, learning sessions and a busy ‘Business Market Place’. As always the event will close with a delicious 2-course buffet lunch which is guaranteed to facilitate more networking!!

If you’d like to be one of the businesses exhibiting in the ‘Market Place’ then contact [email protected], but hurry as places are limited and selling fast. To book your delegate place, including lunch, follow the link below. While this is our biggest event of 2024 there are plenty of other opportunities, both online and in-person, to learn new skills, explore new ideas and network with your fellow entrepreneurs. Great opportunities to explore ideas for collaboration and expansion abound, giving you and your business the help it needs to develop and prosper.  

Book your delegate place now >

In other news

Deadline approaches for small business grants

The deadline to apply for a small business grant if you are a business in North Yorkshire, funded by the UK Shared prosperity fund is approaching.  On July 12th the fund will close, and it is important that any business requiring a capital grant completes a full application before that date, to be considered by the decision panel.  There have been many great projects funded to date, boosting productivity and "making one small difference" to small businesses across the region.   Find out more at the North Yorkshire Council website and don't miss the deadline!  Other programmes of support are available in City of York and from the YNY Growth hub including digital marketing training, help to grow.  Ask us for help and we can help signpost you to the right assistance for your business.

External link to further info> 

Regional authority chief executive appointed

The first Chief Executive of York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority has been appointed.

James Farrar is confirmed in the new post.

Prior to the formation of the Combined Authority in January this year, James was Chief Operating Officer of York & North Yorkshire Local Enterprise Partnership and played a leading role in the development and implementation of the region’s historic devolution deal.

James said: “Having led the development and negotiation of the devolution deal, I am proud to now have the opportunity to work alongside the Mayor David Skaith to turn this into reality and make a real difference to the communities across York and North Yorkshire.

Success will see all parts of York and North Yorkshire benefit and to achieve that we will need to work locally across the whole area. I am committed to ensuring partnership is embedded in our operating model. Born and raised in the region, I am incredibly passionate about the area and have a deep understanding of the opportunities within York and North Yorkshire.”

Find out more about the Combined Authority here>

Natwest Accelerator

The NatWest Accelerator is now open in three hubs in the North, Manchester, Leeds and Newcastle. It supports and empowers UK entrepreneurs and business owners to scale their businesses to the next level.

Through their six month fully funded Accelerator they wrap around support and
expertise, removing barriers to help businesses grow.

Find out more here>

Still in the news

Growth hub business support is growing

There is lots of free and impartial help for you as a business owner or if you are self employed, with programmes from investment readiness, peer to peer support, help with digital marketing skills and other workshops. 

This page is worth bookmarking, as well as following the Growth hub social channels in order to find out the latest offers.

Joseph Midgeley from the Growth hub commented “The Growth Hub is hard at work curating a new package of business support programmes for 2024. The programmes will be available to businesses located in North Yorkshire. This initiative is funded by North Yorkshire Council’s Shared Prosperity Fund. 

We are looking to continue our most popular programmes from previous years, as well as providing support in new areas based on local business demand.”

If you think there is a gap, let us know – FSB work with the Growth hub to make sure programmes are impactful and demand led, we represent your needs.

Link to further info> 

FSB Member Spotlight: Simon and Melissa at Punk Security Ltd

FSB members, military veterans Melissa and Simon Gurney celebrated 3 years of trading on May 4th 2024.  Cyber security consultancy Punk Security Ltd went big for their anniversary – hosting an international cyber competition worldwide with hundreds of participants. Business growth has come both from hard work and assistance from the DSIT backed Cyber Runway accelerator. The business has also recently been accepted onto the Barclays/Codebase Cyber Bridge program, helping support Punk to build on their innovations and pave the way for future growth.  

Providing cyber security services, with a specialised focus in helping software development teams to develop securely at all stages of the Software Development Lifecycle through DevSecOps and gamified training, Punk Security are based out of C4Di in Northallerton.  They also provide cyber incident response services to high profile large organisations through to other small businesses.

Simon (owner and CTO) is a cyber reservist for the RAF and Melissa (owner and CEO) is a Stem Ambassador and founder of BSides York conference – for which Punk are looking for additional sponsors.  Since their formation 3 years ago, Punk Security have spoken at global cyber conferences including USA and Saudi as well as closer to home in York & North Yorkshire. 

External link to further info> 


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Get in touch

Carolyn Frank - FSB North Yorkshire Development Manager

Your FSB Development Manager for North Yorkshire is Carolyn Frank. If you'd like more information about the topics above, or if you have news about this area that you'd like to share, please get in touch.