Small business reaction to Labour Party manifesto

Press Releases 13 Jun 2024

Pledges to reform business rates, legislate to tackle late payments by big businesses to their smaller suppliers, and remove barriers for small business exporters are welcome proposals.

Responding to the launch of the Labour Party manifesto, Policy Chair of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), Tina McKenzie, said:

“It’s good to see Labour's clear manifesto commitment to deliver its small business plan in Government, and that it recognises the crucial importance of the UK’s small firms and the self-employed.

"If Labour wins the election, small businesses will want to see action to deliver on this plan in the first week, with a Small Business Act in the first King's Speech.

“Pledges to reform business rates, legislate to tackle late payments by big businesses to their smaller suppliers, and remove barriers for small business exporters are welcome proposals, and FSB has been working on a cross-party basis to secure action on these crucial policy issues.

“Strengthening the British Business Bank’s mandate to support growth in the regions would be a positive step to back small businesses across the country.

“As questions swirl around tax in this election, the UK’s 5.5 million entrepreneurs – who generate the jobs and growth that should be at the core of Labour's mission - will want to hear more reassurance from the party on the huge taxes small firms already pay at every stage of running their businesses.”