South & East Yorkshire and Humber Small Business Support March 2024

Local News 27 Feb 2024

This article is intended to provide a snapshot and update our small business community on what support is available or coming up across the region and in your local area.  From events and grants through to advice and network opportunities. 

Levy Transfer Funding Available for supporting Apprenticeships.
There is still unused levy funding available from local larger employers who would like to make this available to local businesses in need of extra support to recruit apprentices. 
In Hull and East Yorkshire the HEY LEP Employment and Skills team have been appointed to help triage ‘expressions of interest’, and if you’d like further information you can contact Carl Southcoat HEY LEP Workforce Development Business Adviser at [email protected] for more information. Carl will also be able to support and advise on other recruitment and skills funding that’s available in the area.   
Across South Yorkshire you visiting or by emailing directly to [email protected]. They can explain the wide range of funding options available and help with the information you need for recruitment.
Businesses across Lincolnshire can reach out to their business support teams within their own authorities or visit business Lincolnshire’s expanding your workforce web pages to find out more.

Hot Topics:  New AI Research Hubs announced:

With AI being the number one hot topic, the question of regulation arises amongst audiences at every event and workshops.  You may be interested to know that the government has announced funding to prepare and upskill regulators to address the risks and opportunities of AI. Nine new AI research hubs will also be set up across the UK. The hubs will support British AI expertise across areas including healthcare, chemistry, and the art and creatives.

Workshop:  Building an Integrated Social Media Campaign for Your Business

Businesses in Hull and East Yorkshire can book onto a free intermediate level all-day workshop on the 13 March, at Brough Business Centre - aims to help you plan out what you need to deliver an effective, integrated multi-media channel campaign for your business. Explore what makes a great campaign and model how it could work in practice. Take along ideas on what you want to do with your business. You will need to already have some good foundational knowledge of social media – however other workshops are available.

Workshop:  Be More Lion – R.O.A.R from Strategy to Success

On 14 March, Doncaster. Organised by Business Doncaster and supported by Investors in Excellence, on this masterclass you will discover the only holistic performance improvement framework globally including practical, performance-improving solutions for your business. 
Investors in Excellence will share with attendees the Investors in Excellence Standard, an global performance improvement framework that can help you: 
  • drive excellence in your businesses
  • embrace the very best practices ensuring business resilience, agility and futureproofing
  • bring you practical examples to improve productivity, deliver high performing as the norm, and benefitting from 280% performance improvement.
Register your free place, and find out about more events being led by Business Doncaster

Event:  Yorkshire and Humber Federation of Small Businesses Bootcamp

Businesses from across the region (or further afield) can benefit from this free one day mini-conference, networking and exhibition in one. Taking place on the 23 of May in Doncaster, and only 10-15 minute walk from the train station.The focus for this Bootcamp is on ‘Future Readiness’,  Expert speakers will provide insights, inspiration and practical tools and tips for ensuring you and your business are ready for what’s to come.   
With the economy, technology and consumer demands changing so quickly, come along to find out how you can be prepared. From AI, Leadership, Social Media, Net Zero, and changing markets.  
Book your free delegate place now.  We also have a limited number of exhibitor places available, discounted for FSB Members to £75+Vat email [email protected] to express interest. 

Workshop: How to sell a service (or large ticket item)

Held on 20 March, Sheffield. There’s a saying in sales; Don’t sell me something, solve me something’ and this workshop looks at how to do just that using a consultative sale. This workshop tutors you through a B2B meeting with a prospect, from pre-meeting preparation through to closing, whilst staying in control of the whole sales process.
Ideal for anyone who has to sell their ideas/goods/services to other businesses or individuals direct.  Book your free place.


Consultation:  Shaping a Creative Future:  Connecting business and arts and culture in Hull & East Yorkshire

Hull & East Yorkshire is at a pivotal moment as a region.  Capitalising on this energy and ambition, HEY Creative is inviting people across Hull & East Yorkshire to share their reflections on how business and arts and culture can further connect and collaborate to create a thriving region for all.
HEY Creative’s short questionnaire gives you the opportunity to share your reflections and ideas of how you want business and arts and culture to connect in Hull & East Yorkshire.
It’s also an opportunity to showcase any great examples you know that already exist in the region or beyond.  Everyone engaged in business and arts and culture across the region is invited to respond.
What’s more, as a token of appreciation, entrants will be part of a prize draw to win a £50 donation for a Hull or East Yorkshire arts and cultural organisation of their choice - a small gesture that can help you demonstrate your support for the sector.
Please note the deadline for the survey is the 6 March, you can also express your interest in getting involved in the future shaping as a business (whether you deem yourself creative or not!) by emailing CEO, HEY Creative:  [email protected]

Meet the author

Paula Gouldthorpe

Paula Gouldthorpe

South Yorkshire, East Yorkshire and The Humber Development Manager