South Yorkshire confirms its continuation of majority support in favour of the existing Mayor Oliver Coppard

Local News 7 May 2024

South Yorkshire confirms its continuation of majority support in favour of the existing Mayor Oliver Coppard. The Federation of Small Businesses will continue its commitment to feed into the Mayor Authority including via its seat at the table of the Mayoral Business Advisory Board.

Mayor Oliver Coppard was one of the four candidates present at a recent Hustings Event hosted by the FSB, Chambers, CBI and Make UK – the business groups came together to represent the full range of businesses and organisations across the region.   The event which took place in Doncaster on the 19th of April provided businesses the opportunity to ask their questions and hear views and proposals from all candidates.   

During the Hustings event discussions focused upon skills, business growth, young people, communities, and the wider infrastructure.  The role of small businesses and how they play a vital role in driving economic growth, creating jobs and shaping communities was highlighted in the discussions, and Mayor Oliver Coppard stating “Better Business” being part of his future plans.

The Mayor will also include a transfer of the functions undertaken by the South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner, which includes the Violence Reduction Unit.   The Mayor will have the opportunity to take more coordinated decisions for communities, working with the business community, voluntary sectors, Fire and Rescue, Safer Roads and other partnerships to enable policing priorities.

As a non-partisan organisation representing the interests of small enterprise across South Yorkshire, the FSB remains steadfast in its dedication to ensuring that the voices of our members are heard and that their concerns are addressed by elected officials across the region.

Paula Gouldthorpe, Development Manager for FSB South Yorkshire, East Yorkshire, and the Humber said: 

“We can’t reiterate enough that our small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy, and their success is paramount to the prosperity of South Yorkshire.  We are committed to working collaboratively with the incoming Mayor to champion policies and business support that promote entrepreneurship, innovation, skills, supply-chain improvements and improve the safety, footfall and vibrancy of our high streets”