Statement on riots

News 6 Aug 2024

Statement on the riots from Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) National Chair Martin McTague, 6 August 2024

"Millions of small businesses are on our high streets and town centres, populating our local communities and finding themselves on the front line of the recent public disorder, violence and damage which all come at human cost.  Alongside supporting the police response, many have tried to protect their premises and are first in line the day after to help clean-up their streets.

“Local authorities, insurance companies and politicians of all stripes need to be ready to support their small businesses to rebuild, recover and get back on their feet.  As the UK's grassroots business network, FSB will do what we can to help.  Local small business success rests on local support, in welcoming environments where people want to be.  The images of the last few days are the opposite and it must stop."