Unrivalled international goodwill for Northern Ireland should be harnessed - FSB

Press Releases 19 Apr 2023

FSB Policy Chair Tina McKenzie spoke on harnessing opportunities in Northern Ireland.

From her unique vantage point, the Policy Chair for the UK’s largest business organisation and head of Northern Ireland`s largest recruitment firm, FSB`s Tina McKenzie hosted a focused event in Belfast on Wednesday morning to look at how to smash the glass ceiling and harness all elements for the benefit of all the people of Northern Ireland.

Charting Northern Ireland`s progress from the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement to Brexit and latterly the Windsor Framework, the assembled gathering explored how to unlock the hidden asset of female talent by putting in place the right childcare structures to match the ambition that business has developed for growing the Northern Ireland economy.

Speakers included Head of the NI Civil Service, Dr Jayne Brady, David Kerr former special advisor to David Trimble during the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement negotiations and Dr Karen Bonner, Senior Economist at Ulster University`s Economic Policy Centre. We were also delighted that John O’Dowd MLA, Jonathan Buckley MLA, Mike Nesbitt MLA and Claire Hanna MP were able to attend and participate in the discussions on infrastructure, planning, a childcare strategy for Northern Ireland, corporation tax and economic participation. 99% of all firms in Northern Ireland are SMEs so we encourage all to think small business first.

The roundtable recognised that these are the essential ingredients to achieve the ambition that has been set out during the course of this week.

Following the meeting, Tina McKenzie said:

“It was important during this period of reflection on the past 25 years to look at how we can meaningfully bring about policy change to ensure the next 25 years see Northern Ireland harness all possible opportunities. Staffline was delighted to host this FSB event in our new and expanded headquarters right in the heart of Belfast`s maritime centre with all of its echoes of Northern Ireland`s previous economic high watermark.

“We have an unrivalled international goodwill from the President of the United States and his administration, the President of the European Union and the British and Irish Governments. We cannot let the people of Northern Ireland down.

“We all have a responsibility to ensure we harness all the elements, chart a new course and ensure that this rising tide lifts all boats.”


Notes to Editors:


Dr Karen Bonner, Ulster University Economic Policy Centre

Dr Jayne Brady, Head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service

Jonathan Buckley MLA

Claire Hanna MP

Emma Hunt, Partner Mills Sellig

Matthew Howse, Eversheds Sutherland

Roseann Kelly, Women in Business

David Kerr, Gravis Planning and former Special Adviser to David Trimble

Alan Lowry, FSB NI Policy Chair

Tina McKenzie, FSB UK Policy Chair

Joris Minne, JComms

Mike Nesbitt MLA

John O`Dowd MLA

Roger Pollen, Head of FSB NI

Colin Walsh, Founder and Chief Executive of Crescent Capital NI Ltd

Media contact

John Moore

John Moore

Head of Public Affairs, NI

About FSB

As experts in business, FSB offers members a wide range of vital business services, including advice, financial expertise, support and a powerful voice in Government. Its aim is to help smaller businesses achieve their ambitions.