Woking Means Business

Local News 18 Oct 2023

A great Expo

Business Expo’s provide an opportunity to catch up with FSB member friends as well as making new ones. The annual Woking Means Business Expo was no exception. Our membership advisor, Derek Carr set our stand up the day before so that we would lose no time when the doors opened the 

following day. This proved to be a good call as by 10.30am we had already processed 3 new members eager to access FSB member benefits with one particularly interested in Surrey local authority introductions to further his new business model. Our development manager is always happy to make good use of partnerships forged over many years. Dusing the Expo we were visited by the Mayor and Mayoress of Woking who toured all of the stands as well as a visit in the afternoon by good FSB friend and local MP, Jonathan Lord

More new members signed up to join the FSB during the day and when the Expo closed, we only had one souvenir – very tired feet! Huge thank you to the organisers for a great Expo.