Women in Business, Lancashire and Cumbria - unleashing entrepreneurial potential through peer-to-peer training and support

Local News 30 Aug 2023

"When I was made redundant last year, I never dreamt that within 6 months, I'd be running my own business, setting my own priorities and making the same income......"

FSB Development Manager Claire Driver with Megan Pickles, Project Manager with The Growing Club.

Sitting around the table in the small but vibrant offices and drop-in space of The Growing Club and listening to the stories of some of the women the project has supported, it was clear that this is a place where exciting things happen.

"When I was made redundant last year, I never dreamt that within 6 months, I'd be running my own business, setting my own priorities and making the same income I had in my previous job.. The Growing Club gave me the confidence, training and support to make me realise that far from the worst thing to have happened, this was an opportunity to change my life for the better." An attendee at the drop-in, explained over coffee.

My visit to meet FSB member Jane Binnion and the team had coincided with one of their regular drop-in sessions and the hour-long diary slot quickly became an afternoon of inspiration, enthusiasm, and planning. As an extrovert, I relish being in energetic surroundings and I came away some 2 hours later quite literally fizzing with ideas.

Founded in 2016 by Jane Binnion and Rachel Holme, what began as an experiment offering 10 women support to grow their business over the course of a year has to date delivered over 50 peer-to-peer led programmes with life-changing outcomes to over 700 women.

Jane herself admits that she had been an unlikely entrant into the work of enterprise. With a background of over 20 years working in the public sector as a youth and community worker now facing injury and unemployment, she was dealing the same challenges as so many other women and tailored support was nowhere to be found. The ongoing success of the project is testament to the fact that Jane hit on something crucial; that women want to be supported and mentored by other women who understand the challenges from their perspective.

And it’s a success that is being recognised. With 5 years of core funding secured from The National Lottery and a pilot being delivered over the border in Cumbria offering support to up to 42 women, The Growing Club is putting down firm roots for continued success.

We are delighted to be working with Jane and the team to relaunch the popular Women in Business, Lancashire and Cumbria networking programme, with the first event taking place on 12 October at The Storey in Lancaster. At the first event, Jane will be telling us more about her journey with the topic of ‘The Success Journey is far from linear.’ Established to support women who run their own business or are considering setting up a business, this is the first of a two-year programme of in-person and online events offering women a place to discuss the key issues affecting women in business, share ideas and get support in a relaxed and welcoming environment. We’d love to see you there so head over and secure your place.

If all this has whetted your appetite to find out more about the support available through the Growing Club, they run both in-person and online programmes ensuring they can reach as many women as possible. The new Start-Up and Business Growth programmes start this October, find out more by visiting their website: https://thegrowingclub.co.uk/

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