Women in Business, Lancashire & Cumbria - reflecting & taking action

Local News 22 May 2024

We have heard incredible stories and accomplishments from our female guest speakers, who have created thought-provoking reflections and take-away actions.

Following the successful launch in October 2023, at FSB the Women in Business project is a two-year journey! We have a blend of in-person and virtual events. Each event comprises of structured components; informal networking, a guest speaker presentation, an open forum for discussion and reflections.

FSB is the leading business organisation for small businesses and the self-employed, and we have an important role to play in promoting the value of business ownership championing women’s entrepreneurship. Despite the increase in the economic contribution of women’s entrepreneurship, women owned businesses are still under-represented in the fastest growing firms. Developing and supporting women’s enterprise is proven to be critically important for overall business and economic prosperity.

In the project journey so far we have had some fabulous guest speakers -


In May we met the powerful Alison Blackler, owner of 2minds, she is an award winning coach, speaker and author. Alison presented on the topic “Overcoming yourself as a barrier to progress”.

In the session, Alison created a time for reflection, thinking about our thoughts, our behaviours, the common traps which we can easily fall into.

In March, we heard from the passionate Gail Biddulph, Leadership Mentor. Her passion filled the room with positive vibes.

Gail explained how success in business and personal health each affects the other positively and negatively. Which gave us some key changes we can implement.

In March we heard from Professor Lola Dada, Head of Department, Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy, Management School, Lancaster University.

Dr Lola Dada presented on how leadership can be developed amongst women in business. We learnt more about gender disparity in business, despite years of progressive policy women remain under-represented in leadership roles.

In January, we heard from the powerful Dr Dunni, of Druwa Academy, she shared valuable insights on a recipe for reducing burnout as you run your business. 

Her presentation supported self-reflection, and, evaluation of values and prioirties, as those in the virtual room shared their key take-aways to action now and in the future.

In October, we heard from the phenomenal Jane Binnon, founder of The Growing Club. Jane highlighted the non-linear path to success, with emphasis on a journey marked by unpredictability.

Her words resonated with many in the room, as they contemplated that peaks and troughs in their business could serve as a valuable learning experience, ultimately propelling them forward.

BOOK NOW for our summer in-person event on 11 July 12:30pm to 2:30pm. This will be at The Borough Pub, Restaurant and Hotel, in Lancaster. Summery drinks/mocktails will be available to order, ticket cost £7.50 per person. Our guest speaker will be Del Parsons. Tickets are limited, book here.

We have some lovely feedback to share with you -

  • "I felt so comfortable from the start."
  • "Really enjoyed the session, so much squeezed in to the time."
  • "It was fabulous".
  • "Surprised how at ease I felt."
  • "Brilliant presentation, I recognise some key changes I can implement."
  • "Great structure of the event. I was able to join in without judgement."
  • "Amazing presentation."
  • "I have some key takeaways from today's session." 
  • "I enjoyed it and it seemed well organised."
  • "It was a fabulous event with very interesting speakers and great to network too."
  • "The presentations were perfectly pitched to the audience."
  • "The speaker presentations were insightful."

If you have any feedback, please email the event organiser, Natalie Simm.

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Meet the author

Natalie Simm

Natalie Simm

Operational Support Coordinator